Nokia has launched a new real-time charging, policy control and customer engagement suite specifically designed for advanced digital experiences.
The cloud-native, 5G-ready Nokia Smart Plan Suite uses continuous delivery principles and DevOps automation to stay constantly updated with the latest capabilities.
The suite is designed to allow service providers to deliver personalized and contextualized offers to enhance subscribers' digital experiences, and can integrate with webscale offerings including Google's Mobile Data Plan Sharing API.
It forms part of a wider monetization portfolio covering mediation, digital sales, real-time decision making and machine learning powered analytics software. Nokia asserts that the portfolio can help operators increase subscriber campaign take-up rates by more than 400%.
Nokia president of applications and analytics Bhaskar Gorti said the portfolio is designed to allow operators to engage with their customers in 'digital time'.
“This means delivering the right service through the right channel the moment they need it. We do this by providing 'connected intelligence' -- we connect insights, people, processes and technologies to help service providers monetize their services, push the limits of automation and delight their customers,” he said.
“Service providers need a new approach if they are to deliver the personalized, contextualized and immediate experiences consumers have become accustomed to from leading webscale companies. Most revenue management systems in use within telcos today are monolithic in nature and weren't designed to support such modern experiences,” Analysys Mason senior analyst John Abraham commented.
“The industry needs to adopt a different approach, and solutions based on a cloud-native architecture such as Nokia's Smart Plan Suite are key to helping CSPs cross the chasm in enabling a new class of innovative and engaging customer experiences." |