Huawei, one of the world's largest telecom equipment makers, will endeavor to push itssales revenue up to 150 billion dollars by 2020, higher than the GDP of countries like SpainandSouth Korea, Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei raised the ambitious target at theNational Conference of Science and Technology Innovation on Monday.
The Shenzhen-based company Huawei has overtaken Apple as the top smart phone sellerin China in the first quarter this year, and now it's the world's third largest smart phonebrand.
Ren said Huawei had already made great strides into a "No Man's Land" for technologicaldevelopment, while underlining the importance of innovation in the next decades.
He added that in this place, where they have to guide themselves in their endeavors,Huawei, as a leading telecommunication company, will face up to the challenges and keepinnovating.
According to Ren, currently Huawei has more than 80,000 research personnel and haslong been committing over 10 percent of sales revenue to research and development. Lastyear, Huawei's research budget stood at 9.2 billion dollars. They plan to further raise it tobetween 10 and 20 billion, going forward.
Telecommunication and IT expert Ma Jihua said Huawei's achievement was inseparablefrom national support for innovation.
During this year's National Conference of Science and Technology Innovation, ChinesePresident Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech, describing innovation as an importantforce in development, and stressing the role of scientific research in economic growth andsocial development. |