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Aerial fibre deployment and making the hard-to-reach easy with ACOME

2023-05-20 18:49:54

 Aerial fibre deployment and making the hard-to-reach easy with ACOME


At this year’s Connected North conference, we caught up with Willy Pelhate, ACOME Group’s UK marketing manager, to discuss how the company is helping the UK fulfil its full fibre and Net Zero ambitions

The UK is pursuing two very big challenges with an extremely tight deadline: one is digital; the other is environmental.

The first is to bring gigabit-enabled broadband to 85% of UK premises by the end of 2025, and to all by 2030. The second is to produce Net Zero greenhouse emissions by 2050.

To reach these goals, the deployment of fibre networks will be essential. However, in rural areas it can be hard to rely existing and or reusable underground civil engineering. Thus, with three-times less CAPEX and a 75% faster execution speed, deploying in the air can become the most viable solution. But this also comes with requirements related to the Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA) and legal constraints.

In this context, bringing gigabit to rural areas and connecting the hard-to-reach is like squaring the circle, explained Pelhate.

In this interview, you will hear how and why ACOME and its breakthrough technology, Nanomodule® (already PIA approved in the United Kingdom) can become your best allies to build viable and sustainable fibre-to-the-premise networks.

Benefits from ACOME Nanomodule®-based ultra-lightweight cables includes among others:

  • Total Cost of Ownership reduced by more than a third
  • Increased long-term reliability
  • Savings on greenhosue gas emissions of up to one ton of CO2 equivalent every two miles

Click here to learn more about how ACOME’s Nanomodule technology is fighting back against fibre deployment costs.

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