Qualcomm has taken advantage of its appearance at MWC Shanghai to announce the Snapdragon 450, the successor to the 435 and the first in its tier to use the 14nm FinFET manufacturing process. Catering to mid-range smartphones and tablets, the Snapdragon 450 is designed to deliver significant improvements in battery life, graphics and compute performance, imaging and LTE connectivity. The improved 14nm process has enabled Qualcomm to increase the maximum clock speed of the octa-core SCO from 1.4GHz to 1.8GHz, while the GPU offers 25 percent better performance than its predecessor, said the company.
The Snapdragon 450 is also designed to improve on previous generations by including support for enhanced dual camera at 13+13MP, or single camera support up to 21MP, as well as hybrid autofocus, 1080p video capture and playback at up to 60fps, enabling slow motion capture.
The SOC’s USB controller has also been upgraded from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0, while LTE connectivity has been improved with the integrated X9 modem, which uses 2x20MHz carrier aggregation in both downlink and uplink for peak speeds of 300 Mbps and 150 Mbps respectively.
The Snapdragon 450 is expected to begin commercial sampling to customers in the third quarter and should be available in consumer devices by the end of 2017.
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