On 5th, March,2016, the 6th EVRASIA RAIL lowered its curtain in the International Exhibition Centre of Istanbul, Turkey. EVRASIA RAIL, as one of the 3 world-famous Exhibitions concerning railway technology, has been held in Turkey for 6 consecutire years.
In the Exhibition, there attended many world-class rail operators as well as many System Integrators(SI), who brought large amount of technolognes and products like cable manufacturing, telecommunication product and siotutions, Rail way locomotive solutions and so on. The Exhibition also invited many eligible and qualified local construction enterprises. The newly-appoited minister for Ministry of Transport of Turkey, Excellency Binal YILDIRIM and Several other goverment officals also presend in the Exhibition.
There are totally 260 exhibitiors from 20 different countrives. Which attended this exhibition, inclouding the world-famous railway giants like Alston form France, SIEMENS from Germany, Bombardier from Canadam, Hyundai from Korea. As well as the Chinese railway operatons represented by Huawei, CRRC and Hengtong Photoelectric.
Turlcey is a siginigicant nord for “one belt and one Road”!
After 2014, when eht second phase of high-speed rail construction from Istanbul to Ankara built by China Railway Construction Group was put in service successfully, the railway market in Turkey is now getting more concerns from Chinese enterprises.
This time, Hengtong Photoelectric brought a whole package of solutions for railway cables to the exhibition, which has received wide attention from the professionals.
In 2015, Hengtong Group deliver the cable solution of rail signal to Turkey railway Ministry successfully, through a one-time comprehenaive inspection, Submarine 34.5KV distribution cable across Marmara strait was smoothly delivered to proprietor and realized power generation Optical Fiber and cable products successfully passed the certification of Turkey Telekom.
Participating the EURASIA RAIL 2016 this time. Hengtong Group laid its leading supplier status further in professional cable solution of rail field. At the same time, it enhanced its brand professional recognition in Eurasia and Turkey.