It was only six months ago that Google rebranded its enterprise business as Google Cloud. On Wednesday at the Google Next conference in San Francisco, Google Cloud SVP Diane Greene touted Google Cloud's enterprise clout, trotting out major customers signing onto the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), like Colgate-Palmolive, Home Depot and Disney.
The cloud is disrupting traditional operating models for IT departments and entire organizations.
Previous conversations focused on areas like using Google BigQuery, data analytics or machine learning. Yet just recently, Greene said, she spoke with three customers looking to do a "full lift and shift."
Google CEO Sundar Pichai briefly spoke during the keynote, calling Google Cloud a "natural extension" of Google's broader mission to make information available and useful to the enterprise.
While all of this may be true, Google Cloud has a ways to go to become a dominant force in the cloud market. When it comes to infrastructure, Amazon Web Services is the heavy-hitter, accounting for one third of the market -- more than Google, Microsoft and IBM combined. Google may be gaining some major enterprise customers, but that's not necessarily at expense of Amazon or any other Google Cloud competitor:
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