On 14 August 2017, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Congress MrFuDehui together with various government officials visited Yangtze Optics Africa Cable manufacturing facility in Dube Trade Port. Yangtze Optics Africa Cable showcased its modern manufacturing facility which house state of the art production lines including unique manufacturing equipment not found in South Africa. During the visit, Mr Fu commented highly on the speed of the successful launch of Yangtze Optics Africa Cable facility.

South African economy is the secondlargest inAfrica and equipped with a well developed financial and legal system as well as a stable political environment. During the recent years, the South African government has been strongly promoting on the “Rolling Out of NationalBroadband Program” which has uplifted the optical fibre cable demand within the country. During the first half of Year 2017, Yangtze Optics Africa Cable has manufactured qualified optical fibre cable which has supplied to the local market. In the second half of Year 2017, Yangtze Optics Africa Cable will strive to accomplish its annual production target to serve the increasing local demand.

In line with Chinese ‘One Belt One Road’ national strategy, Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company (stock code 06869.hk, hereinafter referred as ‘YOFC’) together with Mustek Limited signed a joint venture co-operation in March 2016. During the same year in December, YOA Cable had accomplished the establishment of YOA Cable facility in Durban. Aligning with YOFC’s development strategy, YOA Cable introduced new modern manufacturing equipment and processes, with some first in the manufacturing of optical fibre cable in South Africa.It is the intention of YOA Cable to manufacture a range of new generation optical fibre cable products for the South African ICT and Broadband market. It is envisaged that YOA Cable will set strong foothold in South Africa and to penetrate into African region, YOA Cable will strive to become the most influential fibre optical cable manufacturing supplier in the African region.