KOLKATA: India’s telecom sector–once the poster child of the country’s economic progress–is in dire straits, battling brutal price competition and grappling with unsustainable levels of financial stress. The Reserve Bank has directed banks to keep especially close watch on telecom loans amid the erosion of profitability.
The government’s inter-ministerial panel on the financial health of the industry has already started meeting telcos in batches. It is reckoned to be looking at ways to reduce spectrum costs and defer payouts towards airwaves and associated interest charges. The panel will submit its recommendations to the Centre within three months.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has also met with the industry’s top executives and more meetings are slated for next week.

Credit rating agencies are keeping a close watch--Moody’s and Fitch have already downgraded the debt of Reliance Communications. While telecom companies are laden with debt of about Rs 5 lakh crore, banks have put the sectoral liability at nearly Rs 8 lakh crore. That includes loans from Indian banks, overseas borrowings and annual installments for spectrum bought in auctions over the last few years.
How did things come to such a pass in a market that was once feted for being the biggest and most rapidly growing in the world after China?
Industry experts believe the roots of the current situation lie in the misallocation of mobile permits in 2008 that saw numerous players entering the fray, looking to extract short-term value by cashing in on the 3G craze.
“The entry of multiple players eyeing arbitraging opportunities permanently changed the telecom industry structure to an unsustainable competition of some eight to 10 players per circle, which hasn’t worked anywhere in the world,” said Sanjay Kapoor, former CEO of Bharti Airtel.
The pitfalls of an imperfect industry structure were exacerbated by the string of spectrum auctions over the past seven years that were designed to optimise revenue, he said.
As a result, the price of spectrum–the principal raw material for telecom services–has remained among the highest in the world. Matters have come to a head as telcos, compelled to buy this expensive resource for growth and business continuity, are finding it increasingly difficult to recover the billions spent on airwaves amid plunging tariffs and repaying spectrum-related dues. Meanwhile, the average revenue per user (ARPU) is at a paltry $2 a month in India, among the lowest across global telecom markets.
Slower-than-expected adoption of data services has further increased financial stress levels.
“Cash generated from data services simply hasn’t kept pace with the billions of dollars that incumbents have spent in acquiring spectrum,” said Nitin Soni, director at global rating agency Fitch. “Comparable monthly data consumption levels in other Asian markets such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea and Japan are nearly three to five times higher.”
Hefty telecom levies haven’t helped.
Rajan Mathews, director general of the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), rues the fact that telecom remains “among the most heavily taxed sectors with the estimated total levy ranging between 29 to 32% of revenues.” COAI represents India’s biggest phone companies, including Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India, Idea Cellular and Reliance Jio Infocomm among others.
Aggregate telecom levies paid by operators in China, the European Union, US, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh range from 11% to 26%.
In this scenario, Jio’s dramatic entry last September was particularly disruptive. Voice, which accounted for 80% of the sector’s revenues, was offered free for life by Jio.Its data rates, which also remained free for six months till end-March, continue to remain much cheaper.
Incumbents Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India, Idea Cellular and Reliance Communications were compelled to match its free voice calls and low-priced data offers to hold on to customers and maintain market position. The need for consolidation became imperative and players without scale decided to exit. Vodafone India and Idea are in the process of merging as are Reliance Communications, MTS and Aircel, while Bharti Airtel has acquired Telenor’s India business.
Bharti Airtel’s profit fell as much as 72% in the fiscal fourth quarter to March, following a 55% decline in the third quarter. Idea posted back-toback losses as it cut prices to hold on to customers. Reliance Communications posted a near Rs 1,000 crore consolidated loss in the March quarter and struggles to service its debt of nearly Rs 45,000 crore.
Sector experts see the top incumbents—Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea--looking to Jio for pricing cues in the coming quarters. Consolidation will be key to any revival in fortunes, in line with markets like China, US and Singapore that have three to four companies, analysts and experts said. They also urged relief by way of a reduction in levies and softer spectrum repayment terms. The total spectrum payout commitment is pegged at nearly Rs 3 lakh crore.
Profitability will also hinge on when Jio raises tariffs, after having upended the market with its free offers for six months to March end. Data rates crashed from Rs 250 per GB to Rs 3 GB in some instances.
“Stability of India’s telecom market will be determined by Jio’s future pricing strategy as it would need to make at least a 10% return on capital employed (RoCE) on the billions it has invested in its 4G network,” said Soni of Fitch.
The telcos didn’t individually respond to emailed queries. In a recent note, brokerage CLSA said India’s mobile industry revenue fell for the first time in FY17 to Rs 1.88 lakh crore and will decline further to Rs 1.84 lakh crore in FY18, following the unprecedented price disruption. In the previous six fiscals, the industry had recorded steady revenue growth from Rs 1.19 lakh crore in FY11 to a peak of Rs 1.93 lakh crore in FY16 (see table).
CLSA sees the mobile sector revenue bouncing back only by FY19 to nearly Rs 1.88 lakh crore “as increased affordability of data is slated to drive expansion of data subscribers and usage.” But this will still be well below the Rs 1.93 lakh crore revenue scaled by the industry in FY16.
Small wonder, sector experts and analysts are unanimous that thegovernment needsto expedite corrective steps to provide some relief to the telecom industry. Fitch’s Soni, for instance, believes there is a solid case for the government to cut levies such as spectrum usage charge (SUC), revenue share and even do away with the Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF) levy that is linked to rural penetration.
The Singapore-based Fitch director also feels Indian banks ought to treat spectrum funding as “project financing” as in the case of core infrastructure projects, and extend longer tenure loans of 10 to 20 years instead of the five-year variety. This, he said, “is since a telco, typically, takes at least six years to start generating cashflows, post-spectrum acquisition.”
Kalyan Parbat
The Economic Times