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    SBA, Data Center, Edge Computing   2019-11-14
    Cell tower owner SBA Communications said it purchased a data center in Chicago last month in order to learn about the edge computing opportunity. "We're going to use it as an R&D facility," explained SBA's chief executive Jeffrey
    Verizon, Private Networks, CBRS, 5G & Edge Computing   2019-11-14
    A top Verizon executive confirmed to Light Reading the operator is preparing to use the 3.5GHz CBRS spectrum band to improve the capacity and speeds on its LTE network. But he said that's just the first step in Verizon's embrace of the CBRS ban
    Telecom Italia, edge, Google   2019-11-10
    Telecom Italia opened the door to a major strategic alliance with Google on the development of edge computing services as it reported dwindling sales for its fiscal third quarter. The Italian operator is setting up a standalone company to manage its data
    Telefónica, new strategy   2019-11-05
    Telefónica caught the telecoms world off guard late Wednesday by unveiling a major new, five-point corporate plan that, according to chairman and CEO José María Álvarez-Pallete, sets the company up for the next
    Google, Vodafone, big data   2019-11-04
    The US tech giants have already infiltrated parts of the telco business, most notably with the launch of "chatbots" that replace customer care assistants and use artificial intelligence (AI) built by the likes of IBM and Microsoft. Now they are
    China Mobile, Network Slicing Market   2019-10-30
    China Mobile is aiming to offer network slicing services from the middle of next year when its standalone 5G network achieves commercial scale. Lu Lu, a senior researcher at the China Mobile Research Institute, said in an industry speech last week that 5
    Verizon, AT&T, 3.5 GHz CBRS Operations   2019-09-15
    Add U.S. Cellular to the list of major wireless network operators that are looking at ways to leverage the 3.5GHz CBRS spectrum band. "We are looking very hard at CBRS, both unlicensed and licensed," U.S. Cellular CTO Michael Irizarry told Ligh
    Verizon, CBRS, 1900MHz, 700MHz   2019-09-13
    Verizon is asking for FCC permission to conduct a new battery of tests in 3.5GHz CBRS spectrum, and the operator's filing with the agency likely provides some hints about how Verizon plans to use the band. The carrier said it plans to conduct TDD-LT
    SK Telecom, Samsung Electronics, 8K TV, 5G Network   2019-09-10
    SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM) announced that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Samsung Electronics to jointly develop and commercialize the world’s first 5G-8K TV. The 5G-8K TV will revolutionize users’ television-watching e
    T-Mobile, 5G Network Construction, Sprint Merger   2019-09-09
    T-Mobile is halting some of its 5G network buildout efforts, according to a new report, due to delays preventing the close of the Sprint merger. Citing interviews with seven unnamed T-Mobile network construction contractors, Wireless Estimator reported t
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