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    AT&T, Dell, Edge Computing, 5G Software   2019-08-15
    AT&T* and Dell Technologies are jointly exploring the development of key open infrastructure technology areas for the next-generation network edge that will be required by service providers to support new use cases and service opportunities in a clou
    AT&T, 5G, Manhattan   2019-08-13
    AT&T has launched its millimeter wave "5G+" network in parts of downtown Manhattan today. The AT&T launch is relatively minimal so far. "In New York, we initially offer responsive and ultra-fast 5G+ access in parts of the East Vill
    DOCOMO, d POINT Program, Foreign Visitors   2019-07-29
    NTT DOCOMO, INC. announced today that it has extended its d POINT CLUB points program to inbound visitors in Japan, allowing them to redeem points when shopping in stores, receive coupons for services and enjoy other benefits, effective immediately. Init
    Airtel, Digital Uttar Pradesh   2019-07-29
    UP State Wide Area Network 2.0 goes LIVEIntegrated solution comprising of 885 PoPs with MPLS bandwidth will connect State, District, Block and Tehsil Headquarters across the state
    Will enable e-governance and digital delivery of government services to c

    T-Mobile, Sprint, Merger, New T-Mobile   2019-07-26
    Companies reach agreements with DISH to divest all Sprint's pre-paid businesses including Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile, and Sprint’s 800 MHz spectrum licenses for aggregate proceeds of $5B; $43B in previously-announced synergies from T-M
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