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    Telefónica   2017-12-05
    AI and machine learning applied to the network will allow self-configuration, self-diagnosis and self-correction.This is the first step towards the construction of an autonomous networks model based on the transfer of knowledge to machines.Telef&oacu
    HGC, E-sports Competition, HK   2017-12-01
    Chinese gaming information platform MTGamer has launched the latest round of Asia's largest online and offline e-sports competition with support from HGC. The launch event for the Glory Cup-Spring Tournament 2018 attracted nearly 100 gamers from th
    China Mobile, Huawei, Cloud BNG Protocol   2017-12-01
    The China Mobile Research Institute and Huawei have submitted a proposed standard for the first cloud-based broadband network gateway (BNG). The submission with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) includes proposed control plane and user plane sep
    Telefónica   2017-11-27
    Madrid/Sunnyvale, 27thNovember 2017.- Telefónica and Netsia have completed the successful integration of Netsia’s Virtual LTE RAN Platform into Telefónica’s Global Network Labs located in Madrid.

    SKT, AI, Smart Mobility   2017-11-25
    SK Telecom will join forces with Hyundai Motor Company, Hanwha Asset Management and Element AI to form a fund that will invest in startups with innovative technology and ideas worldwide. The fund, named AI Alliance Fund, will be established in the first
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