Fiberdays 2023: kick-off telco industry’s trade show season in Germany
Germany’s leading trade show for fiber deployment and digitalization will take place 15-16 March at the RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC) in Wiesbaden, near Frankfurt. With the return to its traditional date in March, the event opens the 2023 trade show season for the German telecommunications industry. The exhibition in two halls with more than 200 national and international exhibitors includes a conference program on the most important topics for the fiber year 2023.
The ISLA MUJERES and the HOLBOX projects, two submarine power cable projects high on Mexico’s infrastructure development agenda and in which Hengtong deeply engages itself with provision of high-quality products and services, are underway in full swing, according to a recent press conference by the Mexican government.
Hengtong is honored to have won the bid of the two projects at the end of 2021 and supplied 35KV submarine cables, accessories and on-the-ground service. When the project is put in operation, it will create 30000 local jobs, ensure the power supply for more than 10000 users in the next 30 years, and power the Maya train. more>>
Prysmian Group partners with National Grid to upgrade UK’s electricity grid
Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry, confirms its support to the upgrading process of UK’s electricity grid and announces it has been awarded, through its subsidiary in the UK, a Medium Voltage cable framework agreement with National Grid Electricity Distribution for a minimum of 3 years.
To access cleaner, greener energy, more expansive and more intelligent grids and infrastructures are required, able at spanning further distances and facilitating two-way energy traffic to and from where the energy is produced and consumed, so to cope with the increased capacity demands of global electrification. Having grid hardening at the core of Prysmian's R&D strategy, the company has developed solutions that support the growing need for grid stability and innovation, including asset monitoring systems and grid enhancement solutions.
Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023 MWC, or Mobile World Congress, is the most significant international summit of the mobile connectivity industry in Barcelona. MWC 2023 dates are scheduled for 27th February to 2nd March at Fira Barcelona Gran Via. After the unprecedented success of the previous edition held in hybrid format, the expectations are set high for MCW 2023.more>>
OFC 2023 - Optical Fiber Communication Overview
The OFC Conference and Exhibition is a premier global conference and exhibition for optical communications and networking professionals.
Why Attend – 2023
The five-day technical conference features peer reviewed presentations and invited speakers, the thought leaders in the industry presenting the highlights of emerging technologies. Additional technical programming throughout the week includes special symposia, special sessions, in-depth tutorials, workshops, panels and the thought-provoking rump session.more>>
CommunicAsia 2023 - Capturing the Evolution of Connectivity in Asia CommunicAsia is Asia's most established and relevant event for industry professionals in the telecommunications sector and brings together communication service providers (CSPs), market disruptors, technology vendors, system integrators, cloud providers, regulators, industry analysts, associations, foundations, and enterprises. It will cover areas like Monetizing consumer 5G in Asia, Understanding the vulnerabilities of 5G networks in a time of increased cyber attacks, How can telcos revolutionize their services in Asia and monetize beyond connectivity, etc.more>>